
Hello my friends and fellow artists,

Please forgive my absence as my health has severely deteriorated to the point of limited mobility and a very high level of pain. I’ve not spent much time on WP and I do not know when that will change for the positive. Please excuse my absence and I hope to see you all soon.


23 thoughts on “Absence

  1. I really hope that you feel better soon dear Tina. Sending your way best wishes. Spring is here. Weather is getting better , you have to feel better too.
    Keep writing… How about a spring poem about the beautiful cherry blossom around. I’m sure you can…please try. Take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon. I believe in will power & miracles , no matter however tough the situation be.
    Sending your way lot of smiles too. Feel better 😊😊

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    • Dear Sweet Arlene,
      Thank you so very much for your well wishes. Unfortunately, my ailments will not permit me to get better. Instead, I have to get use the new “normal” for me, which includes increased pain and less mobility. I will get it together eventually but for now it is a bit difficult to accept the changes and cope with the new challenges. I have also had to re-home my three dogs and that has shattered my heart but I am trying to get back on the horse, so to speak.

      I pray great blessings upon you always.

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      • I know how hard it is to be doing something you want to do when you are sick, that helpless feeling that you are not 100% fit. There was a time during my chemo days when I chose to write about my experience at the hospital despite my aching arms and it made my day bearable. Blessings to you always Tina.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Hello,
      I thought your blog was very interesting and I am honored you chose to visit mine. I greatly appreciate your kind words. I do not know why but the spam filter put you in my spam folder, which is why my response is so tardy. I apologize. May God bless you richly and thanks again for stopping by.


  2. Tina, I am sorry to read this post because I have not been very current in WordPress although I try to post some few things because I only browse with my phone. I travelled and there are a lots of comments awaiting approval. That has been why I have not been current. I hope you are ok now. The Lord is your strength in Jesus name

    Liked by 1 person

    • Life is a busy journey; therefore, I would expect you to be very busy. I am grateful that most individuals do not have a limitless number of moments to spend on the computer because that means they are out there living life. You are doing important work for the Lord and WP is only one avenue.
      As for my health, I am getting used to my new level of “normal” but I always lean heavily upon the Savior’s strength. Philippians 4:13 is one of my favorites. Be blessed and be a blessing to all.

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